Friday 24 October 2008

Okay Guys. Just changed my blog address to

Everything's explained there


Sunday 19 October 2008


The only reason I am blogging right now is just so that I can try to get rid of most of the pre-exam jitters before the big one over the next coming weeks. I have only just realised that I have a really big problem, I can't really study without sound/music around me and sound/music is the thing that is keeping me from progressing to the next page.

Anyways, I think I am going to study Geography today, don't ask me why. There's really not much left to study for Chemistry so I might as well try to refresh whatever memories I might have about Geography before the paper on Thursday. Since, it's kind of the only "study-able" subject for the first week.

4 weeks....... I am just hoping that the first week goes well enough, snow balling my self-confidence and bolstering my self-esteem to better tackle the later papers, which as of now I am especially worried about my Biology papers. *Sigh* I seriously need to get an A1 for Combined Sciences and that includes Biology. I need some serious divine intervention in that department.

Random Notes:

Must.. Push... On....

Signing Off...... Glow Brighter!


Tuesday 14 October 2008

You're like an Indian Summer in the middle of Winter

I think it's just time for me to take a deep breath and soak everything up.

To think that the Science Practical Exams for my Chem and Bio is a scant 2 days away. Going to read up a lot on those two, especially Bio since of course, I don't want to get 3/15 again......

Didn't really do much today, tried doing Geography notes but I realised midway that most of the stuff I was writing down was really irrelevant and that I just needed to remember the digrams and examples....... From what I know, what I am lacking for my Geography is solid examples and elaborations, plus of course my rabid tendencies to beat around the bush haha.

Unlike SS of course, where my beating around the bush actually buys me time to make up more crap that remotely makes some kind of sense, in a totally abstract and crazy way haha.

Went for a run yesterday, two times around the neighbourhood, first time around, nothing but a few stitches here and there. But the second time I was running up, I just gassed out and was pretty much walking and dragging my battered and beaten body up. So much for my cardiovascular fitness. Plus, the benign headaches I get after any exercise pretty much made it impossible for me to enjoy myself immediately after the run.... Had a good nights sleep though

Gonna run again tomorrow, I am thinking maybe only 5 or 6 clicks tomorrow, I guess I had better tone down haha

Random Notes:

The Katy Perry album rocks

Studying Bio and Chem tomorrow, hope to work and jolt my memories

Signing Off...... 1 litre in 3 minutes :D


Sunday 12 October 2008

Guys. Kick. His. Ass.

Just finished 12 hours of Maths tuition. Well, 11 if you want to count that we spend the last hour talking about crappy stuff haha. Kind of drained right now.


Random Notes:
Read this. Seriously. It's very well-written.

Signing Off...... The Left4Dead release dates are officially out! 18th November is launch day! For Steam pre-orders that is


Friday 10 October 2008


Okay I just discovered a not so hidden gem

When I got the Orange Box last year, it came with something tucked away in a corner, not really since it was kind of IN MY FACE for exactly one year now. In the STEAM game list was an something I found today, with an unassuming name, Peggle Extreme.

(btw orange box came out exactly one year ago lulz omgomgomg)

The game's actually just a crazy as demo which has backgrounds of the games in the Orange Box, which is of course extremely appropriate and somewhat funny how the Heavy Weapons Guy screams "Oh NO!!" when you fail. heh heh

1 year has gone buy and I am still playing Team Fortress 2. My drug till Left 4 Dead comes out.

Random Notes:

I need my Zombie Fix

Signing Off..........

I can't stop
Don't care if I lose
Baby you are the weapon I choose
These wounds are self inflicted
I'm going down in flames for you
Baby you are the weapon I choose
These wounds are self inflicted
One more thing I'm addicted too


Thursday 9 October 2008

Well..... Prepare for pictures with horrible contrasts on HAHA


I vaguely remember one of my cousins telling me when I was in Sec 2. All Marists will dislike the school up till the final days till we graduate and we will suddenly feel all our pent up feelings . I didn't understand why until recently.

What he said was totally spot on

Yesterday was the final official school day of my life as a student in Maris Stella High School. I may have been waiting for the day that I could cut off all my ties with this school since 2005 when I was still wearing shorts for my uniform.

But am I really now? Am I really feeling all the jubilation that I might have imagined I would have felt on that day as I thought I would be 4 years ago?

I do not know if it's just our school's culture or something, but it was most likely due to our senior batches that instilled into us that, Marists MUST not like Maris Stella High School. No matter what positive feelings we might have had towards the school, except for maybe a select few who show school spirit with utmost gusto, it was undoubtedly suppressed by what we perceived as mandatory. Having certain animosity towards the school and trying to look past it's good points and criticising it at every tiny opportunity.

Even now I may even want to "blame" my good feelings towards the school on that now that it was now all officially over it's finally lit the last signal fire towards the oncoming 'O' Levels.

But no

If not for all the interesting friends that can mostly likely only be able to be moulded in our unique environment and single-gender status
This negates the "No Girls" thing to a certain extent)

Insane and totally inane teachers like Mr Wong (and basically the entire humanities department) whose jokes would totally not work when females are around HAHA

The other side of teachers would definitely be Miss Jennifer Goh. Though her papers turn your hair white, she never fails to make Physics as direct and understandable as possible. Well, she will just fail you(r papers)

Sec 4D Class of 2008, basically it was an easy transition for me in Sec 3, since more or less more than a third of the class 2A followed me up to 3D, but still, more friends were made and we can really learn a lot from each and every one of us. Full of personality and individuality and humour. Maybe a little too much, the only thing we can tone down on would definitely be our slackiness HAHA

Lastly for me, would be NPCC, though sometimes I really felt like quitting in Sec 1, I just sucked it up and pushed on. The camps and the stupid jokes with my squadmates, hard to forget, like ever.

But I would definitely like to give a 2-sided view of my life in Maris Stella. Time to put some of my SS skills to use :D

I am pretty sure everyone around me knows that I don't really hate any of my teachers, just that I love to make fun of them. BUT. Everyone around me would also know that I hold certain hate and grudges against one particular teacher....... I do not know whether it's entirely warranted or not, but I have always had negative feelings towards her ever since last year and while she might not be taking us this year, the feelings fail to subside. But of course, by next year, I have to keep my grudges in check. Learn to forgive and forget. I must do that

Okay. Today

Woke up early today, standard time. 6 something. My parents fetched me over to the National Library where I would have been studying. Around 8 I got there (punctual I might add) and went to the study lounge where a certain goldfish realised that she it opens at 9..... And we were the first few people there...... In a silent.... Library (okay that's dumb). I need to make zombie stories out of this

Started at 8 outside the place before going in at 9. Met some of my friends from 4C there too by complete coincidence so our group took up and entire stretch of tables HAHA. Apparently, Marists were popping up everywhere in the National Library. Guess we were all feeling the breath of the encroaching demon.

Did quite a bit of work there, like 4 full (Paper 1 AND Paper 2s) Physics papers and 2 Maths Chapters from the textbooks. The Physics seemed kind of difficult, especially the XinMin Paper..... Until Keith and I realised that.... Their values were so totally off that a printing error must have happened..... Also the Data-Based set of notes which was nutty. The TKSS prelim 2 paper which I already did, which was strangely too easy, even turned up there, the question on the Eco thingymajiggy. THE ANSWER THEY GAVE US TODAY WAS SO WRONG! I have the TKSS answer softcopy thingy and they had my answer while the answer in out booklet was so off it wasn't even funny.

Went to Absolute Comics during lunch, looking for The Walking Dead Volume 3. Which was sold out.... And stock is coming tomorrow :D Only ONE book...... Which I already paid for of course :D

Random Notes:

I so need a full spread of this. Did I mention I was going to get a full sized "300" poster to decorate my room HAHA

Come Spring 2009.......... I am waiting for Takamura vs Hawk and Date vs Martinez.. ANIMATED!

Class Photos. Formal

Class Photos. Informal
I failed at slapping SS's forehead this year. DAMMIT
Mark Koh's acting cute (Yes I am looking at you)

Class Signatures. Another fail moment
So I got the large pictures. That are laminated.... With my only cardboard one with my individual photo and I didn't realise a permanent marker wouldn't smudge hmm. So me and Keith had to share one marker and I only had half an hour left.....


I know I look totally dazed and stoned. Must have been out of it that day HAHA

Signing Off....... Sweet Release?


Tuesday 7 October 2008

Quote of the day:

"If you are so afraid of pregnancy, why not just anal?"
- QQ the Retarded.

T'was the second last day of school.

It is kinda poetic that I would be late for the 2nd last day of school, now I would leave that for you to decipher haha.

Seriously though, was really tempted to not come to school today after seeing the agenda for the next 2 days yesterday. Only 2 periods of studying today, but I decided, what the hey, it's the last 2 days of official curriculum time that I would be spending in Maris Stella High School, might as well see it through and make the most out of it.

Plus, it's not as if I would be able to wake up to study anytime before 1 HAHA

Had mass in the morning for the Sec 4s, couldn't hear anything at all, the microphone was wonky, the speakers were either too soft to hear or too loud and distorted and the acoustics of an "open" TKLOW hall really killed everything whatever they were trying to put across. Appreciate their thoughts though. Religion is kind of lost on me.

After mass we had the workshop on sexuality. 2 days in a row. Wow. Spicing things up (not that kind of "spicy") was that lo' and behold, the teacher in charge of our class was the irrefutable and untiring Mr Kwok himself haha.

Discussed the customary say no 'ere and say no there stuff. Then came the quote and the top if this post...... And I have the feeling..... he really meant it 0.o

Random Notes:

Lol @ Pie..... Per-pen-di-cular...
Jia Hao knows what I am talking about HAHA

I don't know if it's just me but, Katy Perry's kinda hot..... Look at 3 minute and 28 seconds...... Okay nevermind...

You are so gay you don't even like boys

Signing Off....... Lower the Bridge.... We are charging now


MBS Class of 2004 6G
Maris Stella 1B, 2A, 3D, 4D

Narutimate Series
Waiting for games... Then Playing them

<10 points for L1R5
Fedor to destroy the Top 10 Heavyweights in the World
Left4Dead on November 18th
New gaming Laptop


3D/4D Class Blog
Alisa L
Blven C
Jason L
Jared N
Jia Hao
Jeremy P
Jin Yong
Kai Xiang
Mark K
Meng Kei K
Nick C
Nicholas N
Suraj S
Sharlene T
Shu Han
Shuan Siang
Wilson T
Wan Ling
Yeow Boon



June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008



No Ripping please ! Thankyou.

Designer -Glazeo
Image - Kil1k
Brushes - 1 / 2
