Friday 30 November 2007

Just in case that didn't make any sense at all, just like the text in the foreground says, it's frickin' Grand Theft Auto IV boxart. Cool huh. Not really deviating from previous covers but.... Wait. There isn't a but, it just is and will be, Totally Awesome. It's GTAIV! (save for the delay into 2008 which I will never forgive....)


I finished up some of my work, the Physics 1001 question thingy is starting to get on my nerves. Did a few dozen pages worth and I started to get bored lol. Switched over and did some of next year's E Maths stuff. Pretty easy I guess. But we all know that I must have missed something that would make it so much harder.

Damn the lack of practice haha.

Played around 15 minutes of Team Fortress 2 in the morning. After my team got destroyed by the other team I realized I couldn't get the momentum to winning. However, after doing the Maths and Physics practise, I could actually play better somehow. I do not know if it is the quasi-rhythmic pace of doing work or something but I was playing much more better by a significant amount. I can't really say if "Studying= Gaming-Level Up" but damn. I was constantly getting top 3s and we even defended the first point in Dustbowl and took the entire offensive round with little resistance. Most probably the other team sucked or somehting. But I did not die the entire time we were attacking, which was pretty strange, seeing as I am a rather reckless person when I know I can respawn.

Random Notes:

The reading of Hajime no Ippo has been going on rather well. Up to volume 54. Only 20 more till I am up to speed with the entire universe

Halo in a Nutshell

No Offense.

Signing Off........ We just have to love her. Team Fortress. It's awesome.


Thursday 29 November 2007

Just writing some stuff. My eyes feel so heavy, so sleepy *yawns*

Sparing details.

Went school in the morning. Npcc and bought my books. Went to Bugis to eat Seoul Garden. Went home. Read Ippo. Went to the club. Bowled. Came back. Physics. Ippo. Done

Yeah so I bowled today. Didn't bring my own ball though and the house balls are oily and sharp as hell. The ball just flies out of your hand la.... Doesn't even have that groove around the edges that makes it more comfortable to hold. Damn. Played only 4 games because of that. Highest score was only 127.... Bleh

Random Notes:




Signing Off..... Minesweeper: The Live Action Movie


Wednesday 28 November 2007

Break Day haha

Woke up early/late. Read Hajime no Ippo beyond the anime, up to when Kimura took on Mashiba. Kimura was outclassed by Mashiba lol but still managed to land the DragonFish blow haha. What am I talking about haha, anyone who's been reading Hajime no Ippo all these years would be laughing at me stuck so early in the series. Bleh, living in the moment and bulling through the volumes of genius beats waiting for chapters I guess, Still thinking about whether I want to ask Chayadi to get the whole set of Hajime no Ippo when he goes to Japan hmm...

Met Jia Hao at the Marine Parade Library and he actually got there earlier than me (5 minutes) even though he left later..... Whatever, not like the library had Contact Harvest or nothing.

Saw him sitting at the Children's Corner looking out the window or somehting. I was actually moving through the levels of the library looking for him and I have a feeling I missed him sitting on a low chair with an even lower head. Small people escape my peripheral vision....

Starting doing maths for a while before I reached the Co-ordinate Geometry chapters again..... Did a few questions before getting stuck.... Asked Jia Hao to help me but.... He had "some" difficulty helping... Should have called Jared to come with us and help us haha.

Did some Physics after that. Wanted to leave but it started raining, heavily, just our luck. Went down to the cafe or something bought some munchies and did our Physics.... I thought Jia Hao's Physics was better than mine, my bad :P After the rain died down to a drizzle, took an hour or so staring at the Gas questions(no big deal), we made our way to Parkway to have our dinner.

Ate at the food court because SOMEONE didn't want to have Jack's Place..... As usual, I always talk a lot at the dinner table, he ate faster than me even though he started later lol. We were talking about weird stuff and then after some time, Jia Hao jsut said "Do it hard and fast", about something which I had forgotten happened in what context but that just made me laugh like hell lol. It's like the image doesn't represent what's coming out lol.

Random Notes:

Rest does help a blurred out mind.

Jia Hao can testify for me that some girls talk and make weird noises on the bus. Yek

Signing Off....... JUS-Brain-Washing has started. Muahahahaha


Tuesday 27 November 2007

This is a..... weird.... video. Hilarious, yes but, damn...

I just realized that every time I have to wake up at 5 to go for campcraft training I start to hate it and try my best to just sleep in for 10 more minutes yet, at the end of the training I am like this enriching or something. Maybe a quick view of how the foresight/hindsight thing works I guess. At the moment short term goals and lont term goals must run concurrently in order to get maximum satisfaction as you continue to strive towards the goal.

But we all know that that is quite impossible to happen.

Okay. My wrist are hurting from doing all the questions again. So this is gonna be short or something. Doiun questions spanning a little more than half an exercise book. Not really good however, doing them while listening to Elton John on Dolby Surround Sound, somewhat helps to alleviate the pain shooting up my forearm.

Random Notes:

I just realized that banks expect everyone who has a titanium/platinium card to like/play golf. That just doesn't make sense. At all.

They allowed me to take A Maths next year to a certain extent hmm. Not clear on the details though.

I didn't even realize I started to bleed and even when I found out. Surprisingly, it did not hurt or nothing. That was weird.

It's official. I can do more wrist push-ups than I can do push ups haha

Signing Off..... The tactile response on my brother's com is strange. Not responsive me thinks.


Monday 26 November 2007

Damn I just type one whole chunk and it's all gone..... Time for summaries then

The power of the Somersault Kick Kicking little girls have never been easier

The girl just flew. I thought it was a breakdancing video till a small girl(or a boy) ran onscreen and got flipped hard.I made some joke about Takamura knocking someone out but.... I forgot the punchline

Almost done with the holiday homework save for the JJ series and some other stuff that I will probably forget.. Speaking of which I think I have not breached the 15% mark of the thing, judging by the girth of the booklet...

Random Notes:

He swung hard and far, but it was too wide

I seriously forgot everything I wrote lol

Signing Off...... Meh


Sunday 25 November 2007

Evolution of Dance

I know this video is old, judging by the date uploaded. Over 65 million views, wow. Theoretically speaking, every one thousandth person in the world should have seen the video already hmm, not counting the people that do not have easy internet access and such.

Did not do much today, the forums were reset so we have to up our post counts again. Did some other stuff which I am pretty sure that if it were something remotely interesting I would remember it hmm. Something to do with throwing pens in sequence or something, procrastinating I know but, had to relax for like 15 minutes for the headache to past. Speaking of which, I just found out that twirling pens does have a positive effect in the battle against cephalalgia.

Went for my first tuition in like 4 years....... The teacher's goofy in a good way I guess, more relaxed atmosphere or something. Nothing much to say or comment about...... Just that,,,,, TKGS girls are chatty lol

Random Notes:

There's something seriously wrong with the ventilation system in Parkway's carpark..... It's like a sauna in there...

Still no Blazing Saddles.....

Really sad really. One of the 5 people who sadly lost their lives in the boating accident was a temp PE teacher at my school who taught us softball... Sad...

Signing Off..... Because I have not talked about Narutimate in a while.....

Makes him somewhat playable.


Saturday 24 November 2007

Nothing much going on today.

Been trying to convince Jia Hao to get Jump Ultimate Stars for the DS but, he keeps giving me the "see first lor" type response. Not sure if he's really gonna buy it or not, he seems to have an innate fear of buying stuff online or something.

Can't believe that the topics for Physics common test 1 is already out. Pressure's rising, 'O' Levels are drawing so much closer. It's in like what, October something right? So that gives me like 10 months or something to brush up on everything.

The current (rough draft) of things to study and what to study:

English: Watch more television!!!????
Chinese: Watch more News??
Combined Humanities: Training wrist power to cope with increased smoking power.
Physics: Waves and Light.....
Bio/Chem: Memory work right?
Maths and A Maths:........ Tuition?

That's basically my broader view on things at the moment. Yeah, my general aversion from tuition status is going to have to take a backseat for now, like how I had to take Chinese tuition for P6, at least I got an A, which was pretty good, for me, since I was consistently one of the worst throughout Primary School. Hmm, come to think of...... I have a feeling that the whole class got an A and above for Chinese in the PSLEs :(

Random Notes:

Played Team Fortress 2 for like half an hour today....... Just realized that my rank on the server dropped from 27 to 400-something after not playing for 5 days..... Brrrrr...... Never going to trust the ranking system again

Jia Hao doesn't know what Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo actually is.....

Signing Off......... Smash!


Friday 23 November 2007

Just something to laugh at. You do get the joke right? With the spring-action blade and the stabbing with the hidden knife... Yeah random but...

Not gonna write about depressing stuff as that totally made my head hurt last night. It's like this throbbing pain that doesn't stop. Somewhat getting used to it, the slowing of movements of my body in order not to aggravate the pain or the pain in general. That didn't come out right in words but read them in different ways and you will understand. Not depressing stuff, just stuff that makes my head hurt really irritates me.

That aside, didn't really do much today. Finished up a few more pieces or questions for the holiday assignments and JJ stuff. Not really sure if I was supposed to do the A Maths stuff but whatever, just realized that I need the identities chart by my side to do the thing. Hmm, did it anyway, hoping that something will pass through.

Sitting here taring at the ceiling to while time away really doesn't do much. Nor does lying in bed and trying to figure out stuff. Granted, the meditation side of things really get a tiny boost, but the moment I get up I get blood rushes or something and the headache comes back. Panadol Quick Relief? Not so much

Random Notes:

Stuff that broke the no laugh streak today: Friends and Shanghai Noon.

I have never noticed how silent silence really is. Which is not so much. Just tried for a few minutes and I can hear crickets chirping, some catfight of sorts, some person screaming, mahjong tiles being thrown about, more screaming. Some people just don't realize just how late it is.

Signing Off....... Jump... Back away... Look alive


Thursday 22 November 2007

Just taking time to try and write off this headache of mine, plonked down 2 tablets of panadol and it really hasn't let up a single bit. In fact, it might actually be getting worse. Not sure if this is a migraine or not but, it has been going on for a few days now. It's starting to affect my motor functions I guess, giddiness and dizziness are examples. Spinning worlds does that to you. Even now, when I type, there's a slight hesitation before my fingers register and transmute thought to motion, it it very noticeable when you have trained yourself to type and key words in like a mad chopper, and being reverted back to when you thought of every word, whether is it a t or y, really frustrates and strikes a discomforting chord in us.

It's been depressing really, the results for the confirmation have come out less than ideal, dropping Additional Mathematics has never occurred to me and I seriously can't think of how difficult succeeding in life without Maths can be. It was kind of like a weird epiphany of sorts. Always considered Mathematics to be secondary to language, yet now, now I am pining and hoping that I can retain the rights to carrying on Additional Mathematics. Regrettably, this is not the way I saw it to be, what seemed so far away has seeded and actually starting to come true, not in ways that I could have imagined.

This downer has affected the way I function, not only in the aforementioned motor department, but also in the way I carry out my everyday life. A hard and sad piece of evidence would be that I haven't cracked a smile for an entire day, which is a bad sign considering that I could, in the past, laugh and break at tiny details or just laugh for no particular reason, just 'cause I felt like doing so. This, feeling, really makes me confused, haven't felt this way in, well, ever. Hmm. I hardly even touched the computer or any gaming implements today save for a few rare occasions. The urge and temptations to play have subsided to a naught, even when placed in a situation where I will not be judged by a physical presence, I just can't get the steam rolling to move the mouse.

The biggest and obvious cause for concern right now would be that, I have become, a lot more soft spoken literally. Whenever I speak, instead of hearing a resonating sound in my head, in place of that, I have a soft echo trapped at the back of my mouth, blocked by what, I do not know. Which should not be surprising seeing that the self-confidence charts of the Leon have dropped 300 points.

Random Notes:

294 is just totally crazy. Shouldn't there have been a bell jar chart or something to regulate the spike in marks?

We can all only hope for a fairy tale ending to this, the ability to bounce back and hit back with equal force and vigour that has been bringing us down. Hmm. So weird isn't it, wanting to do well in something that I suck at, that's what I said with English a long time ago, yet here we are.

Signing Off........ Head held low? Yeah


Wednesday 21 November 2007

This is bad


Tuesday 20 November 2007

I have gotten my hands on some of the music for Team Fortress 2. Yup. Makes an excellent ringtone, though it tends to scare me in the middle of the night due to the loud blasting of trumpets for the sms alert. Not really anything major but, just had to tell people lol.

I have no idea why my muscles are aching. It can't be the cold since it has been a rather warm week(scratch that; it just started raining). Can't be due to exercising as I haven't really done much at all. Can't be due to using the computer as that only aches my heart when I see idiots running about. Can't be due to doing Maths as that only makes my brain hurt. Hmm.... Shouldn't have stretched so much when I woke up, but that can't be the reason as I have always done that. One of the greatest mysteries in history lol

I have set goals. Goals to be achieved(duh), but I have to take just one small step at a time, I actually went and activated the timer thingy that I installed when the year started(Though technically it was installed again.... and again after the various reformats my computer went through haha) it monitors the time that I use the computer and locks down the active programmes running after (the set time of) an hour. Not gonna bother finding exploits in the system as that would seriously not play into my play/study balance schedule.

So I played Team Fortress 2 for a little less than an hour, although this was not so much about my self-discipline than one retard on the server. Played a little unorthodox-ly today, meaning different tactics, not cheating. I actually used a Heavy and a Spy hmm. I just used a Heavy and had a boxing match with another fat guy, don't ask.

Spying was fun to say the least, didn't rack up a lot of kills though, I had a rather even Kill:Death ratio. The reasons for picking the Spy was to, at first, to get rid of the many Sentry Guns that the other team had. Then, I stuck with the class after reliving the fun there was to be by backstabbing people, even if there were only about 1 or 2 per life haha. Quite fun though, however, this resulted in half of the other team to be made up of Pyros, which made my job as a Spy a fuck load harder( no innuendos) Then I reverted back to my Scout habits and grabbed the intel, using the opposing team's lack of defence for offense, against them, breaking the stalemate. Should have taken a picture of the resulting confusion when we captured the intel lol.

Random Notes:

Shadow of the Day/ Happy Ending/ Sweetest Girl ( Dollar Bill)
It sounds so weird; and a little bit underwhelming(sound quality wise) to hear them on radio.

Speaking of which, there was something of utmost coincidence that just happened (com clock 21:59 funny I know) The radio actually started playing Shadow of the Day and Sweetest Girl back to back, which actually made me think that I was not listening to the radio and was just on iTunes. Then I realized the quality sucked haha

I can't lift anything now without laughing at the itching caused by the Salonpas pads..... Damn...

Well duh.... That's my personality. I am not known for subtleties.... Deal with it....

Signing Off..... Hieeeeekkkkk!


Monday 19 November 2007

The Fortress

Episode 0 of "The Fortress". As of this word there are 3 episodes that are available, 0,1 and 2. It's taking a damn long time for me to stream the thing but, let's just hope that I do not kick the wires again... Still... Worthwhile to watch. Da

Feeling bloody lethargic today..... Couldn't wake up, and even when I did, I felt my eyelids actually vibrating and resonating with the will I put in to stay awake haha. This, was after I had bathed in cold water hmm, must the lack of coffee...

Not really able to form (more)coherent sentences, for now. It's like my vision has been smoothed, and that's not a good thing.... it's kinda like lag only it's not jerky or's like the vision comes just a half second slower than the shifting of eyeballs. It becomes more apparant the moment the head stops moving.... This... Really can't be good for my eyes....

Random Notes:

Just pictures I guess...

Cake..... It can cause teammates to turn on each other

Watch your back..

All done by someone on the forums with Garry's Mod

Signing Off..... Damn... I just had to kick the cables....


Sunday 18 November 2007

Excerpt (or out-take, I dunno) from PlanetFargo (Gamespy)

Part One
Part Two

I highly recommend it, great for laughs even if you are not familiar with the setting(Being TF2 and all) but much more hilarity ensues when you get the snippets of in-jokes that they are saying. The first one came out like 2 weeks back and the 2nd one was last week, I think. Didn't think the webcomic was going to be an ongoing thing but, hopefully it will and cover the rest of the classes haha. Hope it goes as long as Flintlocke.

Nothing much happened I guess..... Team Fortress 2 and Hellgate:London was played. For some reason the rate at which I am gaining levels in HGL is astonishing slow. Had this character since Wednesday and it's only at level 22 :( Even my old Guardian Rorke didn't have such trouble leveling up. Must have been a ghost update or something..... Which totally sucks...

Cartoon Violence is not banned..

Pretty lucky I guess, not that the picture shown says anything. The team I was on was filled with clan members and we were going against members from the same... clan... At least we had more of them so it was ok haha. For some reason it was pretty laggy, or jaggy. The ping averaged around 40 so it couldn't have been the internet.... Hmm

Random Notes:

Bought the Alicia Keys Album "AS I AM" pretty nice I guess for getting into the mood of whatever or something liddat haha. Haven't actually gotten into listening every song in detail, though the Rhythm and Beats in the whole R&B thing still gives you that rush when blowing people up, that subtle feeling and the stark contrasts of the softness of treble beats and the roaring bass of stuff blowing up... Yup... She still sounds as nice as ever, however, I can't hear the lyrics deeply enough to comment on the content haha.

I got bored and downloaded all the Team Fortress 2 videos (Meet the "--"/ Trailers and such) in HD haha. Can't really see the difference on my monitor but, looks kind of sharp even when blown up to fullscreen.

Who Touched Sasha!!!???

Signing Off....."The most powerful weapon on Earth is the human soul on fire." - Marshal Ferdinand Foch


Saturday 17 November 2007

Gamespot's Tournament TV: Team Fortress 2

Those matches passed by quickly enough. Or was it just that I wasn't in them to feel the intensity to drag each second, the opposite of TFWYAHF haha. Seeing the game as a third party, I realized the importance of coordination was extremely important. The first game of each round went to the Blue team I guess, I reckon that it was because of the speed of which the computers joined into the server, for the rest of the time, Machine Least Wanted was controlling the matches all the way. Hmm. Still, no Pyros at all so that made me quite disappointed, wanted to see how the pros handled the pyro.

Woke up with tears in my eyes for some reason. Must have been a really, really, austere dream. Can't really remember what is was about, it certainly wasn't about the apocalypse, nor war or famine. The dream seems so vague right now but whenever I try to recall the details, that dreary feeling comes and, I guess, the waterworks activate or something. Must be my mind blocks again.....

Ninja Gaiden 2 Preview

1up and EGM released an article detailing Ninja Gaiden 2 for the X360. This is longer than the last one. Pretty interesting I guess. What I came away with was that the Dabilharo is being taken out(for obvious reasons) Rachel won't be coming back and they will be introducing a new female heroine and, most importantly, DISMEMBERMENTS HAHA...

Random Notes:

Grudge 2 is weird

I should learn how to shut up..... Damn.... The skin on my nose is peeling....
Spending some time learning idioms I guess, nothing else to do, and Maths revision doesn't continue till Monday I think.

9 out of 10 dentists recommend Colgate.

From the forums

Signing Off..... What hurts the most.... Was being so close


Friday 16 November 2007

Funny Strangely Drawn Naruto Scenes & Oddities

Part 1 of 3.

Random Notes:

Headache. Headache. Headache. Headache. Headache. Headache.

Signing Off....Headache.


Thursday 15 November 2007

Hmm. It's really much more enjoyable to kayak when you know what the hell is going on with your boat thing. Capsized once... 3m away from the shore...

Shouldn't have asked for more Sun yesterday. I got it and a lot more. The sky was bright even at 6.45 in the morning. By time we got there the glorious rays of the sun were already shining down on us. Sunblock didn't help, heck, 3 layers of sunblock didn't help(not sure if more is less). Then it decided to just let clouds cast in and let us paddle in the shade, with rain and stuff. Pretty relaxing I guess.

As a result, sunburns on the usual places, neck, face, arms and the tan lines on my legs were weird, on higher than the other, meh. At lest my skin isn't peeling lol

Not really tired, but not really very energetic.

Not tired, because my body is actually getting used to the aches and stuff. Also probably due to my constant slamming to the ground could be a very good reason. I think I can't feel some parts lol

Not energetic, because it's almost midnight and I haven't slept yet, but the burning and abrasion-y sensation on my skin is doing nothing to help alleviate the pain from the aches or relieving the body. :(

Random Notes:

This is what I ate today, everyone seems to be eating BBQ Meltz. Have to try that someday.

Signing Off..... When shit goes wrong


Wednesday 14 November 2007

I spent ((<<17-6>)/24> x 100)= 46 % of the day and 61% of my waking hours kayaking(including travel etc etc). Nothing much to say though. The Kallang River is not a nice place to visit at all.... But I guess everyone knows it haha

Weird Stuff we (Only from 1 out of 2 groups) found:

Nothing really out of the ordinary I guess. The water smelled like sewage, and we had to swim in it for swimtest and whatever, I didn't even dare to open my eyes while I was swimming lol.

There was a slight drizzle and the Sun only came up at around 2 plus I think, I did not get sunburned as we our group was away from the rays most of the time, the other group, loved the heat I guess lol. Not that I was really happy with that lol, looked for a tan, didn't get sunburned yet did not get a bronze body haha

Walked to the the Stadium after that, almost got lost while finding McDonald's haha. Was so hungry that I ordered all these

Total cost $11.05. Don't count the tray in the background haha.

Random Notes:

I feel like there are spikes breaking into my skin.....

Signing Off..... Without a sign, his sword the brave man draws, and asks of no omen, but his country's cause - Homer


Tuesday 13 November 2007

Imma gonna just post pictures since the say "za pickchure speekz za touzand vords"

This can't be comfortable

This one of the many post mortem kills by my Pyro. So funny that the "Who Killed You"
camera actually caught this, the picture says a lot I guess, mainly that, even if you opponent is disabled/neutralized it still presents a threat haha.... Or something like that. If you were wondering, yup, Pyro-ed usage was so much that the score sheet rated it behind the Medic and Soldier... 3 hours behind haha

Air Guitar pwns j00

The post game analysis is actually blocking the thing but if you play TF2, you will notice that the Pyro does this animation with the Fireman's axe. Did you see the scores? All 6 points, I was third haiz, but still, we only had six points as the top scorers and we won the match lol. Either we rock at attacking or they suck at attacking. Either way.... Lightning Round

When you can't crouch-hump the corpse

I am not really one to grave dance.... But this guy was just standing there after we won so I just HAD to burn him to death, being the such a good sport. And then laughing at his burning corpse hahaha. Do not judge lest ye be judged.... Not a top scorer lol

And because I just had to be the Medic

The violin swan song is so perfect.... Brings a tear to my eye *act of pulling back mucus from your nose using air pressure*

So I spent like 2 hours running Team Fortress 2 to freshen up after I woke up. Really strange thing though, seeing as Pyros do not usually score a lot of points and are more of the tide-changer than the score taker, not that I am complaining though haha.

Did the Total Defence Gold write-up... Waiting for the pictures from Clement lol, forgot to bring my handphone lol

Random Notes:

Hellgate Lol

Clinton and I were just so bored that we rolled characters again haha. IAHgames are not thinking of not implementing the wipe or something, they delayed the damn patch again. Whatever, we were bored so we rolled. I just realized that utilising my old Guardian Tactics to play..... Doesn't work lol..( I die)

Oh Yeah. The picture is totally accidental, Clinton and I were taking snapshots of Ravagers frozen in mid air. Only after seeing the pictures, I realized it was a Ravager doing a Blade Minion... Ewwwwww

Signing Off..... I could spend my life in this sweet surrender....


Monday 12 November 2007

I am starting to hate Snipers, Snipers from both ends of the spectrum, the Sniper Elite and the hopeless Sniper Spy bait.

The reason's simple, the guy pictured above is a brilliant example of Sniper Elite. He belongs in a certain group of people who play Sniper always(or just came for CS:Source) He is able to headshot an enemy target even if they are bunny hopping, using a scout and charging from the roofs. I got picked off over and over till I got Dominated, due to my wilfulness of trying to get Revenge. Eventually I got really pissed and started having Sniper battles(Which I lost... Badly)

On opposite end of the stick, we have the hopeless Sniper Spy bait the embodiment of newbies(eventually into noobies) who keep trying(and failing) at getting better, at the expense of the entire team, as the saying goes "An average Soldier is a fuck lot better than a raggedy ass Sniper". One slot is taken up in consequence which equates to one less person attack/defending as this class of Snipers are usually in the limbo zone, through the power of skill over luck, getting their asses wiped across the floor by the aforementioned Sniper Elite

In other news, IAHgames has really screwed with the community by delaying the server wipe AND Patch0, they have pushed it back to (presumably) tomorrow. Which also means that I have one less day to play before year even 2008. Tsk tsk, when the government wants Singapore to provide quality service, this is what IAH gives us haiz........

Oh Yeah.... Heroes showing on channel 5..... Whoopie.....

P.S Tokyo Car show booth babes are totally hooot

Random Notes:


As you may have noticed, the bulk of my signing off messages are starting to be coming from lyrics haha. No matter, just that they express my current mood very well haha.

Or it may not make sense at all and may actually just be playing in conjunction with my blogging haha

Signing Off...... Tell me how to say the words out loud


Sunday 11 November 2007

In a totally random note: Just laugh it off. It can't hurt that bad. Can it?

Now that Hellgate:London is being put on hold(in a way) for the moment, I guess it's time for me to talk about my gaming experience so far with Team Fortress 2. I mean, that is really the only thing my life is revolving around, save for doing stuff that sustains (my) life. Till the inevitable time wherein I would have to partake in mind-numbing revisions and related activities, but life is all about waiting for the good times I guess haha

Servers, Country

Singapore/Malaysia: Silence breeds contempt
Relatively friendly server although this may be the result of people not really using microphones to communicate making this game disregard the word Team. Aside from the occasional Ah Beng typing out strange phrases (see: ccb knn) nothing much.

China/Korean/Japanese: No newbies allowed
Coming here to train has really let me learn lots of new things such as controlling my mouse, tips for controlling the various classes etc. Not really stunted by any language barriers here as the Korean and Japanese servers speak plain English(most of the time) whereas the Chinese servers speak Mandarin. This pretty much leads up to me having to use my awful communication skills to try to tell my teammates that there is a Heavy upfront..... More or less translated as 前面有个肥猪 ..... Not really the best translation but we have to follow the lingo... As they say when in Rome, do as the Chinese do.

Also they have lots of custom maps haha

Australian servers: Just plain fun
Yup of all the servers I have played so far, the Australian hosted servers have held the most "fun value" of all, why is this so? For the simple reason that these people actually use their microphones a lot and at the same time speak English without lots of slang jobs and such. So when they say a Spy is coming up the sewers they actually mean in(Not that it could mean anything else haha)

The use of microphones really help the server seem more alive and that you are actually playing with and against humans and not mute bots. This also leads to hilarious situations, full on charges as an entire team, coordinated offences/defences/min-skirmishes. They are also willing to teach(or do so much more efficiently) you how to do weird stuff haha. Until someone jumps in and sings the Danny Phantom theme song, but that's what the ignore button is for haha

Played Pyro a lot today, using some of the tips I had picked up while listening to the random chatterings of the Aussie slang. Always in the top 3 spots(not showing off) but, this session was a lot more fun than before I guess. We had so many laughs and we were all trying out new(see: unconventional) tactics to combat the other team..... Yes, we even tried Medic rushing haha, which totally failed when a lone Pyro just dropped down and burned us all to a crisp, not even 10 other Medics healing each other would do much wen the criticals keep coming haha

Random Notes:

What I did today in a nutshell
Woke up, did the daily necessities, ate lunch, went to my cousin's house, ate dinner, went home, tada

I just realized that everything is changing rapidly around me, not jsut costs and such but people, even people you thought you know have changed. For better or worse I cannot say.

Lol no pictures again haha

Signing Off......... I didn't cry the day you moved away..... Didn't think that I would feel this pain.... Until I saw the stranger that was you


Saturday 10 November 2007

Finally got to installing Team Fortress 2 on my computer again

Maybe if it's the lighting conditions of the room, the height of the monitor, the sensitivity of the mouse. I don't know but, I actually did much better today than when I was playing on my brother's com a few days back. Maybe it was the quality of the players seeing as it was a weekend and all, with little Billy and Bob doing weird stuff. Sadly though that was not enough for me to secure victory to all matches.

Inexperienced players and poor coordination of the team would be the prime in explaining the reasons for my in-complete dominance. A team filled with 4 Snipers and Spies could do little against such a well planned effort by the Reds(Or Blues depending on which side I was on...... Plus the Liverpool is infinitely better than Chelsea*flame shield activated*) I have always told myself that mics are extremely important for TEAM games. Telling doesn't do much when your team just ignores your futile efforts and run off as a Sniper and getting stabbed by other Spies left and right(mostly back)

Why am I playing TF2 when I could be playing Hellgate?

Very simple reason actually: IAHgames are going to be wiping the servers come Monday(or Tuesday)

The entire player database would be wiped clean to implement Patch 0(which it realyl should have been on launch day) This would then translate to all characters that have been trained from launch day up to 12 November beign destroyed, which meant that any attempt to level up Rorke, SHODAN or Wolfclaw would not mean anything. At least the game will be(for the most part) less buggy than the current state it is in now.

The posters are getting really riled up I guess, seeing as how their tens of hours have been totally negated by this server wipe. But seriously, the people are posting Singlish and hokkien vulgarities online in words. Such anger does not translate well over the interweb and results in them sounding like degenerate Ah Bengs or just immature punks. Not that Singlish is bad or anything, but when you have some time to translate the thought into words when ranting, it is, imo, a lot better to do so as you will be taken more seriously and less like a belligerent fool

Random Notes:

The prices of crude oil has finally broken through the USD100 barrier........ Can't really comment much on the consequences of this since I am not really paying for much oil related stuff..... Yet

Pardon me for the various grammatical and spelling mistakes I might be commiting haha..... Not really used to touch typing and I seriously hate to proof read a wall of text :p

Today is a winding road
Tell me where to start and tell me something I don't know

Signing Off........ Start a fire for a man, keep him warm for a day..... Set a man on fire, keep him warm for the rest of his life............. 'Nuff Said


Friday 9 November 2007

What Your handwriting blah di blah

You are sometimes a very energetic person, but you are sometimes quite lethargic. You're moody, prone to ups and downs, and you don't have a lot of endurance.

You range from very outgoing to very shy. You are a shapeshifter who is very versatile. You adapt well, and you look at things from many angles.

You are very detail oriented and meticulous. You are a careful thinker and a true intellectual.

You need a lot of space in your life, and it's easy for you to feel stifled. You avoid commitment and responsibility whenever you can.

You are somewhat traditional, but you are also open to change. You listen to your head and your heart.

You are a decent communicator. You eventually get your point across, but sometimes you leave things a bit ambiguous.

Can someone tell me if this is true? I am starting to hate trivias lol

Bought it off iTunes after hearing it on the radio in the morning...... Currently the song has been played 87 times...... Not sure if it has beaten my personal record of James Blunt's 1973 but er.... Yup nice song by the way.... Albums that you don't buy always seem to have hidden gems in them..... Not saying that the records I buy do not have songs..... Bought Thunder, Hero/Heroine by Boys Like Girls too..... IMHO.... Alot better than The Great Escape lol.... Much less whiny haha

2 weeks of the holidays have passed..... But in actual fact.... Only one day of the holidays have actually passed.... Of course.... I am not factoring in the days in which we had to go back for to balance out off days(everyone knows what I mean right?) and Deepavali lol...... Tinkered a little bit and overclocked my graphic card a little bit....... Still trying to squeeze as much juice as possible from ye ol' X800XT lol........ I must be patient for my 8800GT lol..... Not GTX.... I am not loaded haha....

Played Hellgate as usual and took vanity shots of my digital avatar posing with my various elementals and my Witch Doctor(AKA H3a70R)........ Not really that fun to take pictures of.... Unlike in City of Villains/Heroes...... There is no way(for now) to pose your pets or do funny things like lean/dance/breakdance/THRILLER!!!!........ I guess it wouldn't fit with the dark theme associated with Hellgate:London but it would be fun irregardless haha.... /em fingers crossed is where it's at

Speaking of which..... My Summoner's running around punching demons when I help my brother lol..... Quite literally lol..... I just summon my Witch Doctor f0r tEh H3aLz and unequip my weapons and start wailing at the hellspawn like a budget version of Fight Night haha.....

Random Notes:

Saw this at Bencoolen Towers yesterday and forgot all about it haha.... Pretty dumb right..... Just a drink with a weird Maple Story figurine on top and it costs $3.50 haha..... It was in a Korean themed shop so maybe it is relevant in some way haha....

The newer episodes of Naruto have much better pacing then the past 30 or so episodes I guess....... Either the animators got better or that shareholders were pissed off that they were destroying such a wonder IP..... Kisame/Gai fights were ruined...... Gai/Gai clown fight was a letdown...... Let's just hope the Team 7/Gayrochiumaru battles will be Sweeeeeet!

Signing Off.........
You could be one in a million
You could be the one for me
But I guess I'll never know if I never try
I guess I'll just have to grab you in my arms
And kiss you


Thursday 8 November 2007

Totally awesome but at the same time..... Not really very practical.... The other team must be full of lone wolves that can't even organise a simple assault to take down this..... There's only 3 seconds left on the clock haha.... They could have uber-comboed a demoman/heavy/soldier and decimated the Red Team..... Meh.... Must have been something going on in the background that this picture could not paint....

Anywho..... This picture from the site really got me thinking... I had not played Team Fortress 2 for almost 2 days in a row.... Decided... What the hell.... And jacked into my brother's game midway and I got shot instantly..... Damn snipers are getting better in 2FORT..... Caught a scout jumping like a jackrabbit with a headshot.... Seems like everone's gotten better haha

Bought some stuff running around Singapore from East to West to Central haha..... Went to Sim Lim after that..... My brother got his own copy of Hellgate:London and I bought a new pair of headsets.... Nothing much really.... Not like I can afford a 300 dollar pair of Medusas so I just bought a regular $60 headset from Plantronics haha

Rerolled another character to follow my brother around(should it be the other way around?)..... This time a Summoner.... Lol.... I have played every class haha.... Ahem anyway... Really unsure of how to add the skills so I just followed what the majority of the people on the forums do and keep adding fire and spectral and save lol..... Fun...

Random Notes:

Shuan Siang still hasn't sent me the pictures..... Meh... Nevermind lol

The new W890i looks nice haha

I don't know hy people feel bored during the holidays..... Nothing to do then study lor right? Next month I tell myself.... Next month....

Signing Off....... I feel like a hero and you are my heroine...


Wednesday 7 November 2007

I'll just do a quick summary of stuff to prevent it from getting too wordy

We had the A Maths test today which I soooo totally screwed up....... I left all the trigo/polynomials/partial fractions question blank..... Yup........ Die liao haha

After that we went to Heartland Mall to bowl....... Ate Pizza Hut with Shuan Siang(He still owes me 18 dollars....) and I saw my bro there.... Something totally unexpected happened which was that my bro's friend said I was like a toothpick compared to him..... Which is like o.0.... I know my brother is taller and bigger compared to me but err..... Skinny really does not apply...... AT ALL!

Met up with Clinton and we started bowling....... Not really used to the weight and feel of my Dad's ball..... What to do but spend a few games getting the positioning right haha..... Could not hoo kthe ball as well as, as mentioned earlier, the sudden increase of weight needed a little adjusting haha

Random Notes:

Spent more than 50 dollars today..... Shuan Siang owes me money....

I think we are addicted to bowling

The pictures are not here........ Keep having error

Signing Off...... DUM DUM DUM!!!


Tuesday 6 November 2007

It's all about finding the balance huh? I think I would rather diversify and branch out then to specialise and totally be phased out when zombies attack..........

Regarding the females winning the WRX challenge thingy...... I think I have a explanation as to how they won haha

2 years ago(I think) the prize for winning the thing was a WRX STi........... This was the highest grade of the WRX line available at that time....... A year back it was the WRX which was a car that was not as powerful as the STi but still alot more powerful than other saloons....... Now the top prize is a Subaru WRX TS......... Yup TS...... It's like comparing a Lancer Evolution to a Lancer....... I think it does not even have turbo right?

The lack of additional horsepower and may be an example of how the lack of motivation will result in less revolutions of the dynamo to create energy to transfer and transmute into willpower....... Plus new-age women tend to be a little more strong willed and mannish now and men are becoming more refined...... A better explanation would be that the men have not been eating enough as women seem to take it fine when not eating (anorexia etc) haha

Did the same ol' Biology survey and came home to train my Engineer haha....... He's now lvl 15 or 16 lol...... The patch didn't do anything so Rorke(Guardian) can't even advance haha....... So this is probably a sign that I should train my Hunter more haha....... Weird ass signs everywhere.....

Going to try running in the morning and see if that makes me run slower or faster haha..... Judging from my body just has to be the anomaly and screws up surveys all the way.... Playing with the trend I am jsut hoping to slow jog 30-45 minutes while I uncheck the ports in my mind to prepare for the A Maths test (Which, in hindsight, made me realise I did not do much but graphs and polynomials haha)

Random Notes:

Zat 'vas not medicine.....

Bowling tomorrow I guess.......... Gonna see if I can bowl my dad's gyro ball anot haha

My bro's gonna get Hellgate haha....... And Jia Hao...... Get a new com...... December coming liao...... And you know what that means haha

We are not worthy..... My com is not worthy...... WHERE THE HELL IS MY 8800!!!!???

Signing Off........ "The swing goes like 300 km/h....... At the top sometimes you don't even know if you are going to see land again!!!"................... "Yessssss..... Space is filled with orbiting children"


Monday 5 November 2007

The above videos are not related in any way to the following text lol...... If it was it would be pretty cryptic and deciphering would be nigh impossible as 'tis not supposed to be an underlying meaning or purpose in what I am writing at all lol

I guess not many people anted to hand in their Maths homework today seeing as we all have to go back tomorrow for the Biology test thingy for genetics.... So I am planning to hand it in on err...... On the third working day latest I guess....... Left with drawing graphs which I am too lazy to do haha

Came home and played Hellgate:London(Duh.....)

Level capped my Guardian at 22 and rolled an Engineer........ Totally different playstyle from my Guardian........ My drones are rather effective at distracting the enemy while I W41l on them with fire haha..... Kinda squishy though so I got myself a rocket bot but......... Not really sure.... Too bad they don't have respecs at all.....

Nothing much to report as I lost all my screenshots haha...

Do you know there's a maplestory anime...... That..... Is..... Just..... WRONG!!!!

OMG GAY!!!( this is not the maplestory video)

Random Notes:

Here's the correct version:
If fighting is sure to result in victory, then you must fight. Sun Tzu said that, and I say he knows a little more about fighting than you do pal, because he invented it, then he perfected it; so that no living man could best him in the ring of honor.

Then he used his fight money to buy two of every animal on Earth, and then he hearded them on a boat, and then he beat the crap out of every single one.

And from that day forward any time a bunch of animals are together in one place it's called a Zoo!

Unless it's a farm!"

Signing Off......
*Sniffles* I will never look at a HWG the same way again.....


Sunday 4 November 2007


I am feeling rather strange today......... It's bad enough that I have only just complete my modulus homework and have yet to touch o nthat chapter with the percentiles and quartiles stuff...... I guess there's still some time before "tomorrow" and if I really put my mind to it I should and will be able to get it done..... But----erm.... Naaahhh

So many distractions...... Foremost being Hellgate:London (Hereafter abbreviated HGL)

Partying with random people and getting "s0 muCh 0f da' Ph4t L3W7" has resulted in my character being decked out in full Legendary/Unique armour........ Still hate getting stunned though as being crowded round by 20 Fellbores kills you quick..... Even for a Guardian..... Up to Level 20 now and nearing Level cap(at least till tomorrow's oatch) Thinking of re-rolling another alt 'cuz I think I have gimped my Guardian build lol..... Still.... Taunt.... Anchor..... Shield Spin FTW

Team Fortress 2-wise..... My brother has actually taken my place whilst I am battling minions of hell (AKA hellspawn)..... So if you see Skyraver running around and getting killed over and over again,,,,,, That =/= me at all.....


Did I mention that the above song is so totally awesome (Beverly hills accent)

Stop flaunting your flamboyant personality in front of me........ It does nothing to alleviate your current standing as girly-man bordering on level 6 gayness..... We all know who I am talking about.... Eh.... No you don't.....

Random Notes:

Kenpachi is so fucking unbalanced....... He is (apparantly) alot more powerful than Ichigo and all the other captains that (one way or another) lost to Ichigo's ragtag group of teenagers have ported over to Hueco Mundo and are currently taking on Espadas....... Interesting how that powerlogic thingy plays out

I think I have to start doing my Maths homework now haha....... Don't want to have to come back to school on Tuesday lol....

I can't seem to be able to find my Maths file anywhere.......

Signing Off........ Ranged characters are so overrated.....


Saturday 3 November 2007

Yes I know that was a freaking short post yesterday haha....... You guys can stop telling me that haha

To start another with yes....

YES!!!! Hellgate:London can finally be installed on my com lol....
Went to Sim Lim to "fix" my DVD drive...... Ended up getting a new drive and getting 2 gigs of ram at $70 lol..... Dunno why Suraj bought 1 gig for 100 bucks haha......

The game now runs so smoothly haha...... No more hitches when loading areas..... No loops when speed running...... And no graphical hijinks when blanketing the area in freaking napalm lol

Been partying with Clinton for awhile a Guardian and a Marksman make a dangerous combination......... The common thing would be for me to rush in...... Taunt...... Shield Spin..... Stun everyone.... And Clinton to finish up while I attack the enemies with insects.....

So Good!

Random Notes:

Shorter one haha

Signing Off........ Sun Tzu said.......He too 2 animals and herded them upan ark..... Then he beat the crap out of all of them...... From that day forth..... When animals come together it's called a ZOO!...... Unless it's a farm!!!- Soldier


Friday 2 November 2007

My computer is messed up....

Can't play any disk and it is running slower than a one legged monkey.....

Random notes:


Signing Off.....Me need new com


Thursday 1 November 2007

School was you know..... Maths and Biology.... I just realized that 3Dominic did not even get extra Physics lessons at all...... Not like out Physics say very fantastic right? I need so much help in the Light chapters it isn't even funny anymore...... I guess that's what the holidays are covering haha

I had a terrible headache in the afternoon after reading a book at the side of my bed upside down....... Must be the blood or something as the constant thumping on the front-right of my head is seriously getting in my way of doing stuff....... Painkillers aren't really working I guess...... Milo doesn't help...... Ribena doesn't help..... Coffee doesn't help..... And 100 Plus sure as hell isn't gonna do any good..... Makes me wonder if the combination of the things listed above, when drank in quick succession, has any adverse effects on the body Haha....

Came home tried(in vain) to install Hellgate:London on my computer again....... Ba...... Stupid disk drive screwing up again...... Funny thing is that my Bro's com has the exact configuration as mine yet nothing ever messes up for him...... Even playing Hellgate is like....... Anyway..... Played Hellgate.... Though I am only at around level 7-8 haha

Clinton says that Hellgate is cocking up with Vista......... Lucky I am still on XP and so far everything's been all right I guess..... The game is very addicting I suppose...... Could have gone longer if not for my damn headache......... Made a Guardian and I have not died yet..... Let's just hope that the trend continues for the next 40 levels haha

Random Notes:

No TF2 for some reason lol..... Wanted to..... Server full.... Hellgate on the other com..... Do the Maths

I still haven't gotten my dye kit yet.....


Signing Off...... It's kinda like saying "Pizza is ok and all, but It'd be better if we replaced the dough with pastry, and the sauce and cheese with icing."

Well, great...but now you don't have pizza anymore. You have cake.


MBS Class of 2004 6G
Maris Stella 1B, 2A, 3D, 4D

Narutimate Series
Waiting for games... Then Playing them

<10 points for L1R5
Fedor to destroy the Top 10 Heavyweights in the World
Left4Dead on November 18th
New gaming Laptop


3D/4D Class Blog
Alisa L
Blven C
Jason L
Jared N
Jia Hao
Jeremy P
Jin Yong
Kai Xiang
Mark K
Meng Kei K
Nick C
Nicholas N
Suraj S
Sharlene T
Shu Han
Shuan Siang
Wilson T
Wan Ling
Yeow Boon



June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008



No Ripping please ! Thankyou.

Designer -Glazeo
Image - Kil1k
Brushes - 1 / 2
