It's called not sleeping and coffee. Deal with it.
Was kinda dazed the whole day, I was actually just looking for my calculator while it was still in my hand. I need some sleep. Fast HAHA
Oh yeah. There was a Geography test today, needless to say, I screwed it up big time. Didn't even study for it at all, didn't know about it until it was like 2pm in the afternoon on Saturday and I was busy doing my Bio stuff. Can't even crap about stuff like I usually do, damn.
Luckily the rest of the day was pretty light stuff, no Maths today, the relief teacher came and turned OFF the fan. What kind of insane bugger turns off the fan in this hellish weather, totally brainless and unreasonable. After a while though, I think everyone else got used to the thing and we just felt the temperature somewhat 'normal'. I didn't even sweat much, which says a lot.
Chinese Listening Comprehension. I think everyone fucked it up. Note to self, never think too deep about the answers, see the most nonsensical and banal answer, it's most likely it. Which is totally weird, and dumb and kinda screwed up.
I kinda feel better about the cashcard thingy today. Actually, mixed feelings about it. Good It's actually good for a change since the queues are shorter and there are lesser people cutting in I can actually buy stuff without having to wait for like 15 minutes
Bad It's frigging slow, the cashcard process
That's it HAHA
Random Notes:
I hate EMaths trigo, a lot. Like this much (_________________________________________) 9000 x 300
Space Invaders is kinda addicting. AND I CAN'T FINISH THE ARCADE MODE!
Signing Off.......... Oh Yeah. If you were living under a rock with an internet connection. Spain Won.
Sunday, 29 June 2008
Lol. Did not post yesterday. I think I still remember that at this time last year, I did not post too, for the same reason lol. Refer to that post for what I did yesterday, exactly the same lol.
You could almost hear and feel the simultaneous geek-asms resounding throughout the world when we heard this, DIABLO THREE BITCHES!
Random Notes:
Signing Off.......... :D
Friday, 27 June 2008
Crazy headache right now and it's pulsating like a muther. Guess looking down at a piece of paper on and off for almost 2 hours really causes some sort of distress to my head and neck. I need more coke - . -
Went to school a little earlier. Saw some of my classmates putting up the newspapers along the windows, which really.... didn't make the room any darker. At all. Then they put raffia string all across the classroom, trying to make a obstacle course of sorts.
Of course, the course and newspapers was just for show. And, soon as the thing started, doors closed, close movie screening haha. While the rest of my classmates were in the classroom watching a movie, I was (trying) to play Team Fortress 2 with a crappy internet connection lol. Imagine this: Fire your rocket. A 1 second lag. Screen freezes. You got killed by a Medic. WTF!
Went to 3F to play Narutimate. Best 1 dollar ever spent HAHA Played NA with some of my friends, can't believe I almost lost to SS :(. I think I messed up and deteriorated a lot, didn't lose a match though, so that's kinda gay. Finally proved that Konohamaru isn't weak by winning Shingster haha. Oh. And murdered some newcomers, but I let them play twice, so it's okay HAHA
I can't believe we only raised 17 dollars HAHA. Little wonder since we actually chased away customers, great business plan, really, keep them wanting more HAHA. Either way, not that we would have donated more or less anyway, I suppose more than 3/4 of the school did not buy additional tickets, so the base amount would remain the same, more or less haha.
Chinese Orals after that, can't say much about it. Was rather nervous while waiting. I did not know 3 or 4 words from the passage so I just skipped over them. Thing that made me nervous was that, from where I was sitting while waiting, the examiners did not look at them for most of the thing. However, in my case, I could see, in the corner of my eye, that they were both actually staring at me during my passage reading, which, of course, caused me to be rather nervous. Funny thing was that, during the reading of the passage, I saw a pencil falling off one of their tables. Without stopping my reading, I just jabbed out and grabbed the pencil in mid-air, placed the pencil on the table and continued reading HAHA
Because of that, the examiner asked me if I did any martial arts and we ended up talking about Aikido for a while lol. Talked a lot of crap for conversation lol, cracked a few jokes just to lighten up the mood and talked about some feelings and stuff HAHAHA
Random Notes:
Is Kidd's Devil Fruit.......... Magnetism!!?
Sleepy time. NOW!
Signing Off................. in black
Thursday, 26 June 2008
The Chinese Orals are tomorrow. Nervous. I am
Slack Thursday today again. Physics was alright, saw a working Cathode Ray Osciloscope, no wonder they could make pong on a machine like this :D To think that the mother of all video games (fine. If you wanna call Tennis For Two....... But it was not as revolutionary as friggin PONG!) came from a machine in the lab. Now, the machine was not as old as Pong....... But it was old enough HAHA
Read some Chinese Papers, just for kicks and found out that Obama is just AoBarMar in Chinese..... O......k....
Read some of the notes for conversation, tried reading from the transliterated "Good Short Stories" and found out that I was fluid for the most part, but, the moment I hit a string of hard sounding words, my mouth and tongue gets tangled up and I have to slow down a lot. No machine gunning I guess......
Soldier Run :D I shouldn't have played TF2 today...... CURSES!
Random Notes:
It's really funny that scientists are trying to dissect the genome of the cocoa bean to protect the world's supply of chocolate HAHA
Signing Off......... Tiger!
Wednesday, 25 June 2008
Oh My. Shagged Out.
School was okay I guess, not too intensive nor too slacky.
Had SS first, everyone was (relatively) quiet today, same for English (shocker), which really let the thought that everyone has already begun to feel the first few burns of the fact that the 'O' Levels are so bloody close. Still, it comes as a relief that not everyone is really chionging and at least trying to have some fun instead of becoming a reclusive bastard who hisses whenever anyone gets close. Well, maybe not yet.
Point is, I keep having the feeling that, as of now, I am just not doing enough, to try and close the gap most have ahead of me. Should I pick up the pace slowly or rush to them? Pros and cons to each. If I were to choose to quicken the pace by a small amount, I would have enough to last in the long run, which is a good thing for my mental health but it might run the risk that I may not put in enough effort and cause me to lose out in the end. If I were to rush, sure I would be able to chase everyone down with a lot less time, but again, I am not sure my mind and body can adjust to such a drastic change or whether or not I am able to handle all of it, or ultimately crash and burn. Adding to the fact that due to my extremely short attention span, I WILL actually get friggin bored and my mind will just shut off immediately. Heh. Kind of in the shitter right now.
When I thought I have seen the best mods around, some just come and blow it's competition out of the water haha
Can it get any more epic?
I know I really shouldn't be doing this, but the temptation is just too great. Studying should be the very first priority dammit. Why do I have to have two minds on everything..... Concentration split. Focus waning arrgh. Team Fortress 2, I had to play today and, they lowered the amount of achievements for the Medic unlocks. YES! UBERSAW!!! I am ze Übermensch!!!
Another timetable again today....... Which includes..... Days with 4 periods of a subject.... Way to help the length of double periods. Seriously...
Just found out that my Chinese Orals for the 'O' Levels is on Friday, the same bloody day as Marist Youth Day, which has always been the highlight of the year, and our last one at that. Missed it last year, due to it being replaced by that ridiculous dancing thing and this year.... I'll spend half the time worrying about it.... Maybe I should just stop worrying and start listening to the news..... I just bit my cheek and tongue - . -
Random Notes:
I dunno how old this is. But it's funny as hell
Giving away USD30 Billion is just......... WoW
Signing Off....... man is something which ought to be overcome
Monday, 23 June 2008
First day of school.
Everything feels more or less the same. The weather is hot as hell, morning assemblies seem to be taking years. Didn't feel as tired as I thought I would be, which is a good thing I guess, more time to talk about crap haha.
Seems like everyone is stressing over how close the 'O' Levels are. Maybe I should stop using this com so much.....
Random Notes:
Yes. I finally know why everyone wants the Pyro to get a nerf....... I took down a heavy in head-on 1 v 1 combat and won..... 3 bleeding times
I just remembered that I have one whole set of Chemistry homework we have to do. Damn
Watching "The Last King of Scotland". Nice so far HAHA
Better go pack my bag now.
Signing Off............. Hyek Hyek Hyek
Saturday, 21 June 2008
HAHAHA. Clinton showed me this earlier today..... And I still laugh whenever I see it lol
One Piece has done it. It is a full head over the other Shonen Mangas right now..... Naruto (which has sucked for a long while now), Bleach (gonna pick up soon) and yes, even Ippo. Just read it........ Shichibukai vs WhiteBeard.... We know that's gonna be epic. Luffy, Kidd and Law are gonna pwn Marine asses. Damn. Just keeps getting better
Physics test in the morning, quite alright. I guess. I am going underachiever-mode and hoping for a pass please be an A
Played some TF2 today. Bought into the whole Pyro craze, unlocked the first weapon, a flare gun. The flares are not really useful right now seeing that almost everyone else is a Pyro, and last time I checked...... Fire-retardant suits do not catch fire that easily. Waiting for the frenzy to stop before going ape with t3h FiyAh GuN
Random Notes:
It's running reeeeaaaalll slow right now.
I can't believe I didn't bring a protractor HAHAHA
Signing Off................... It's a secret :D
Friday, 20 June 2008
The Pyros are now......... SO FREAKING POWERFUL!
Haven't really got a very good feel for the Pyro after the update.... It's really cool though, screwing the enemies up with that air compression blast brings a weird smile to my face. No weapons unlocked yet though, thinking of laying of Team Fortress 2 for awhile while the Pyro-mania continues to rage on and burn out. THEN I will play, without half the teams being filled with Pyros.
On the side note, you can play Team Fortress 2 for free over the weekend. 20-22 June, American timing, I guess :D
There's a Physics test tomorrow, not much I can prepare I guess
Stuff I did included, doing some of the TYS questions, reading the Textbook (didn't do much) memorised some of my Physics facts. Not too bad, considering that while the Light was the first chapter we learned during Sec 3, Light has been my worse chapter, after Electricity that is.
Random Notes:
My wrist is hurting that......... That is never a good sign......
And I was traveling at the speed of sound (299 792 458 m/s or 3.0 x 10^8 m/s)
Signing Off......... "You mean to tell me they can find Saddam Hussein in a f*hking hole, but they can't find who shot Tupac? They found Saddam in Iraq. Tupac got shot in VEGAS!!! front of CIRCUS CIRCUS!!!"
Thursday, 19 June 2008
This blog is one year old HAHA
Bought the DVD on Tuesday ( I think) and WaterHorse rocks HAHA
Nothing much today, did some Physics and A Maths. Cut my hair.
Warmed up (no pun intended) my Pyro before tomorrow. Quite okay with him(her?) I guess, though the maps seem to have a lot to do with my performance as a Pyro.... Open spaces, strangely a lot better than the Pyro's intended purpose of being an ambush class in an enclosed space. With wide open spaces, I mean, only wide open spaces with multiple points of entry........ Hmmmmm mmmpphhh
No real closure
Random Notes:
Has anyone else downloaded the Spore demo yet?
Signing Off........... Eagerly awaiting. The Pyro achievements
Wednesday, 18 June 2008
Meet the Sniper Along with this, the Pyro achievements are going to be released on Friday taking account time differences with the US. Anyway, it's really a surprise that this release of new content has not been subjected to "Valve Time" logic at all, which is really great haha.
LOL Slept at 0530. After watching the France/Italy match. Stayed up till quite late/early to discuss the probabilities of everything being possible in the end with a certain someone. It was pretty much a clash of ideals and reasons, meaning that no definite conclusion could be reached haha
I still say it can't be possible
Woke up at 2 pm haha. Enough hours of sleep I think. Had a splitting headache throughout the day and night. Did the Physics worksheets, left with one more Section B and Section C before I finished. In the process of doing so, I managed to clear many doubts on the various chapters. Except Electricity, which I still suck in haha.
It rained the whole day (mostly) which was pretty cool (literally and not)
Signing Off............ Great
Tuesday, 17 June 2008
Yes! FINALLY! The one yesterday was for the second last level of Elite Beat Agents. This one was for the penultimate level of EBA, as you can see from the vast score difference, this one was a hell lot more difficult to achieve. Nonetheless, after the crazy day of trying to get the S-Rank, perseverance finally prevails haha. Actually, I only finished the stage 3 times, with the last one being the one shown in the picture there. In actually, beyond all technicalities, I think I played the stage more than 20 times haha, but everytime I felt that I hit one too many 100s, I just pressed "start" and "Repetir". My version is Spanish. Don't ask why
Went with my family to my bro's dental stuff, ate at Equinox for lunch, nice view from the highest building in Singapore (guessing here), an even better view than the 20 minute roundabout known as the "Singapore Flyer". My parents paid of course.
Dunno why, but the day seemed so much like a weekend haha.
Random Notes:
The new earpiece hurt my ear. But only my right ear, for some stupid reason..........
Signing Off.................. Nth..... NTH!!!
Monday, 16 June 2008
Remember what I said yesterday about losing my S-Ranking yesterday? I got it back :D HAHAHAHA
Did some Physics today, quite alright I guess, thought I seem to be struggling with Current Electricity, more practice more practice they say.......... Let's all hope that I can clear that up all doubts on the chapter sooner rather than later :D
I overdid myself *nods* I actually got bored of Maple in one day HAHAHA. Guess FPSs and Action games have spoiled me. MMORPGs suck when they do not involve Superheroes or Elves. Always remember the Superheroes and Elves *nods*
Random Notes:
Screw Propriety
Signing Off......... KEEP YOUR OCEAN BLUE!
Sunday, 15 June 2008
AARGH!!! NOOOOOO!!! I can't believe it! My S-Rank on "Without a Fight" is GONE! Replaced with an A-rank it has.... I had all perfects until the 3rd or 4th last note...... Stupid bumps on the bus... Then, because I missed one, it overwrote my previous S-rank which was of a lower score but did not contain any misses at all......... AARGH!
*flameshield on* It's actually difficult to fathom that I have just played MapleStory for 3 hours...... AND GOTTEN TO LEVEL 70 HAHA! In almost every game (ALMOST) I will get very excited and fully immerse myself in it, finding every single tip and trick to be on the top of my game, subsequently, having learned and explored the nooks and crannies of said game, boredom and repition starts to set in ending in me totally losing interest in the product. Such was MapleStory, fun for a while till the grind became so unbearable that I wished it were on a console so that I could at least feel the rumble-feedback when whacking that bloody monster for the nth time in the row.
Not with the private servers I guess........... Developers must already know that any game that has you beating on woodland animals for 40 levels isn't exactly the best representation of fun. Getting that headgear at the start that adds 999 to all stats (seriously WHAAAA!?) jolts everyone to some godlike level and killing Bains at level 50 (in 2 hours or so) was really satisfying. An added benefit of this would be seeing the end-game content sooner, which, in most cases, IS the main course. The months (or years) spent was just the appetizer. WoW does the same thing, with raids and epic gear at 60 (or 70 now, going to 80). Adding to that, it is a hell of a lot more fun to beat on Werewolves and demonic dogs then on trees. Seriously
At the moment, only good things to be taken away from this:
Seeing more things faster means it will be a shorter time before I reach saturation point. And I guesstimate it to be in 4 more days
Oh crap. Physics homework
Random Notes:
Bought myself a new pair of earpieces. HAHA Now........ It's INSIDE my head...... YAY
Signing Off............ When two great things come together
Saturday, 14 June 2008
The track to Changi Airport station is weird....... It's so bouncy and shaky.... Caused me to get a 50 in a near perfect run of Jumping Jack Flash :( Haiz....
Slept at 0100++, woke up at 0530 lol. Watched some weird show on HBO, went to Changi Airport to study in the morning. On the way there, realised that on an MRT train on the green line, me actually finding a seat to sit down on rarely (see: never) happens. AND, for the first time in x years (See again: never) I actually found a seat to sit down. Yay :D
Studied at Changi Airport from morning till the evening.
That's my day
Random Notes:
SIX forfeits haha. Playsomemore blackjack la HAHA
Signing Off........... Why should I run away from something that can't even hurt me?
Friday, 13 June 2008
Friday the 13th. AGAIN! It has finally lost it's mystique lol.
Haiz.......... Everyone went to the PC show. My Dad went there twice already. My mum went today. They brought back the brochures, flyers and whatnot, seems like not much this time around.... The laptops have some kind of promotions, though the price difference isn't really that much. Also, I just have to wait......... New processors........ With non-overheating 8800 GTX cards.......... Just 6 more months....... Which........ Conincides with the END of the 'O' LEVELS :D
That brings a new face to the demon. It's so damn close
I just finished loading the Colbie Caillat and Akon CDs onto the laptop. And there's a giant scratch along my Konvicted's album cover.......... Haiz....
Random Notes:
There's a golden beetle flying about........ Which led me to wonder....... Why have I never envisioned, a swarm of bees at night lol, or even in the dark. Hmm. YAY. Time to create a super swarm of silent bees :D OH! That's something I have envisioned before HAHA
D....... D............................... DEMPSEY ROLL!!!! THIS IS NOT YOUR MOTHER'S LAND! THIS......... IS......... SPARTA !!!!!!!!!!!! :D
Signing Off............ You never took the time to know me........
Thursday, 12 June 2008
I have totally nothing to write about today. All goes to random lol.
Random Notes:
I just noticed, I am rather stable on an MRT, but the moment one foot is 1 cm above the ground, I am sent flying onto someone haha
I just noticed, that the beats in Elite Beat Agents, got a lot slower.
I just noticed, that everyone waits for the ERP to go offline first at the carpark hah
I just noticed, that there is no one at Big Splash on a weeknight
I just noticed, that Sushi Tei at Big Splash. Sucks
Signing Off.......... Defend your position well...... BYE!
Wednesday, 11 June 2008
Floyd Mayweather Jr. Retires. :( Guess I won't be able to see a De La Hoya/ Mayweather rematch haiz....
Nothing much happened today lol. Went to Popular, undecided of whether I would get Indigo Prophecy or Hitman: Blood Money. Smsed a girl, she said Indigo, I went Blood Money haha. I guess that's self explanatory lol.
Updated version of the game. They have implemented the knockdown and recovery system. Sendo still rocks yet..... Why is the 2nd Sendo fighting with a Southpaw? Stupid 2D mirror sprites.
OHOH I finally found out what was causing the (self-named) mouse tearing when using my Deathadder. Apparently, it canNOT only be remedied by going to an empty server (which sounds dumb in retrospect). Turns out, the mouse lag was due to the polling rate of the mouse, which proved too high for this humble Vaio. So I lowered the polling rate to 125 Hz and voila, instant non-laggy gameplay haha! Now, to make sure I do not keep making my hand touch the windows key when sniping.....
I am so bored at home - . -
Slept in til quite late lol. Slept even more in the afternoon. Did A Maths and Biology revision. I can't believe I missed out on so many points when doing the TYS questions. Dammit. No wonder I can never get the full marks for questions haiz....
O....k... For a moment there, there was an eerie blast of wind..... All the trees were shaking and plastic bags were flying everywhere. If only the weather could be like that all the time, sans the rain.
OMG! The rain is so fucking strong. And Bloody thick! It pelts down like hail.... YAY :D I can only imagine what it will be like at the beach haha
Random Notes:
Top 10 FPSs. Where the hell is my TF2 and how the hell is Half Life 2 in a lower position than Doom 3.... Heh. Oddjob. That short bastard.....
The 3G enabled iPhone was announce at the WWDC 08 earlier today. The phone looks okay... But it can't take videos or anything... Most probably not going to get the phone lol, btw, my phone contract is already done, so I can get my new phone sooner or later. Eying the W960i, but it can change :D
I have finally seen gameplay for Duke Nukem Forever. Looks a lot better than that questionable trailer a while back. Reminds me of Bioshock for some reason, which is more good than bad haha. As long as I can get my Run 'n' Gun action, I am all for it. That and. Bring and the Serious Sam games dammit!
Random Notes:
Yay! I finally got my Chrome bag haha
Yay! Pringles!
Yay! Anglican High Paper 1 and Paper 2 for A Maths done!
Signing Off.......... Disturbing things.....
Sunday, 8 June 2008
Omg..... I was listening to Usher's new CD and I heard Mr T in the background..... Turns out.... It was an advertisement in a video that I was loading - . -
Went to Tiong Bahru for lunch, headed over to Queensway to get a bag. Turns out, the store is closed on Sundays :( Nevermind, will go there tomorrow HAHAHA. Anyway, went to Queensway itself to buy my new sandals since, my old Teva ones were starting to stink up the whole fucking joint....
I think I have a sore throat :(
Random Notes:
Oh my. I went to Popular to get a new calculator and guess what I saw. Indigo Prophecy at only $13.90 and Hitman: Blood Money for only $29.90!!! Two games that I played the demos for, wanted very much, but just never really got around to buying them. I think I am gonna start with Blood Money first, thinking of buying it this Wednesday before Physics Tuition HAHA
Oh..... Diggity :D An Axe that always crits if it cleaves an opponent on FIRE! A much needed buff for the underpowered Pyro HAHA.
I am so bored and sian-ed.
It rained the whole day :D
Random Notes:
I just doubled the sensitivity of my mouse again. And. It is AWESOME!
Wonderwall Gameplay
Don't piss off Luffy
Signing Off....... Now the questions that come to mind. Where is this place and when is it? What kind of world where ugliness is the norm and beauty the deviation from that norm? You want an answer? The answer is, it doesn't make any difference. Because the old saying happens to be true: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, in this year or a hundred years hence, on this planet or wherever there is human life, perhaps out amongst the stars. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. A lesson to be learned— in The Twilight Zone.
Friday, 6 June 2008
YAY! Gameplay footage!!! Oh yeah. In case anyone doesn't know, Warhammer 40K was a milestone in my gaming life, in the sense that, it was the first game I got for my new rig when I was in P6 or something. As such, being one of the only games I had in a long time, I played it to death. I missed out on Far Cry and other games due to my Pentium 3 computer back in the day so, I could start to play games other than CS that didn't suck ass haha.
Went to Marina Square. Fought Jia Hao in JUS, won all my matches when I was using my 2 favourite decks. Kept tying with him when I was using my joke decks...... And he seems to have the knack of winning me in sudden death. But even then, it was still a toss-up. So.......... :D
Played Mario Kart too. This. No Contest at all HAHA. Jia Hao and Wan Ling need to improve. Alot. Come on........ 2 Blue Shells and 3 Orange ones..... AND STILL HALF A LAP BEHIND! For the Lulz
Watch Kung Fu Panda. Great show. Does not suck. The movie was a little short though. The training scenes were funny and Jack Black's comedic timing's priceless.
Oh! There was something going on. Right behind us were these two kids, couldn't have been more than 5 years of age. They actually leaned forward ONTO my and wl's chair lol. We were at a lost what to do, especially when the girl started to kick my chair - . - But they were damn cute la, just like Jia Hao :D Who was also like the Fat Panda HAHA. FAT BEAR~~~ I mean DEATH BEAR!!!
Random Notes:
This is Sparta
This is blasphemy, this is madness
This is Sparta
The thousand nations of the Persian empire descend upon you, our arrows will block out the sun!
Then we will fight in the shade
Have your breakfast and eat hearty. For tonight. We dine in hell!
Signing Off............. Heh
Thursday, 5 June 2008
That's it, I am gonna be a part-time fireman later in my life :D Or at least a job where I can chop stuff... Hmm.... Executioner? I can only hang people now :(
OHOHOHOH! School's out!(for two weeks) Had our last lessons of the holidays, and after this, we all have 2 more weeks to do what we want. I think I have a a clear plan of what I want to do during the holidays already haha.
Wake up after 8am everyday. To make up for all the hours of sleep I have lost
Go for a jog in the morning
Study as much as humanly possible while at the same time-
Try to strike a balance between work and play, leaning more on the work part
Finally, try to find crap that I have lost and make it un-crappy
Pretty generic crap I guess. Just hope that I can stick and adhere to these 4 simple tasks over two weeks haha. The first one is no-hassle, since it's auto one lol. The second, would be having to wake up after 8 and then go for a jog. Quite clearly, the last two would be the most difficult to try to achieve given my overly need to put everything off haha. My procrastinating nature has already cost me more than enough. Now's the time to change it.
The last one is there because..... I just have to do it. Somewhere along the line :D
School ended early. Mr Kan, being a good sport, let the class off early after out E.M.I test. Keith, SS, Mark Koh and I wanted to take a bus to Heartland Mall but, we saw a cab along the way and decided to cab to the bowling alley haha. We actually reached the place at 1040 hours, the supposed time of our release from school HAHA. AND. We only had to pay a dollar plus each HAHA. I think that would have been cheaper than if we were to take a bus and then a train, though I am not really sure about how much it costs to ride a train now HAHA.
The bowling alley was more or less empty, which was a first for me haha. Except for the scant few playing there, the place was too empty IMO HAHA. Played 5 games today. Took me quite a while to understand what Mark was teaching me lol. Then I started to cock up haha. Damn funny la. 5 frames I was 93 points, I ended with 120 points for that game. That's how weird it was lol.
Random Notes:
Ooh. I feel like talking crap HAHA
I have never really understood the concept of gaining sympathy. Isn't the core concept NOT to make anyone sympathise with you at all? Appearing weak and emotionally unstable should never be the base of anything, ever. It actually contradicts how one should appear in front of others. I am trying very hard to use my common sense to write this instead of my raw emotions express my opinions. If not, there would be hella more F-Bombs :D:D:D
Signing Off..... Start and end with a video :D
Wednesday, 4 June 2008
Random Notes:
Awww... Mini Ninjas.... HAHAHA... JIA HAOS :D
Shows are getting weirder and weirder...... - . -
Signing Off........... Full of comics?
Tuesday, 3 June 2008
OMG. I think I have a fever.......... Not really confirmed yet, since I can't find my thermometer anywhere, but all the signs seem to be there. Headache, a warm forehead, smell air as some fever medicine or something. Hmm
Seems like many people are falling ill these few days (wow am I late in saying this). Fever being one of the most outstanding cases of them taking a leave of absence it seems. Sucks to be sick during the "holidays" quote quote. Even if there are lessons, the feeling just sucks the fun out of everything, the headache makes things spin and I can't even talk fast anymore. Bleh
Have I ever mentioned what a nausea-fest playing Team Fortress 2 on this lappy is before? OHOH! I found a way to stop the stuttering and screen tearing when using my USB mouse to play lol. Previously, whenever my Deathadder turned, the screen jerks around, problem is, when using the trackpad (which btw, should never be used to play games. Ever) it runs smooth as silk. So it was certainly not a case of the hardware sucking.
Tried various ways to remedy the problem. Finally arrived at a stupid way, first connect to an empty server before going to another server. TADA! That's it! Smooth gameplay LOL!
Jia Hao is PMS-ing over the uncertain prospect of Ninja Gaiden 3. He has to learn to wait for stuff - . - I waited years for Team Fortress 2 and Half-Life 2......
Signing Off........... There is no such thing as a new beginning........
Monday, 2 June 2008
omg... Singapore just got thrashed by Uzbekistan 3-7. 2010 gg liao
Slept like at 3 am last night lol. As a result, felt damn tired in school today. My eyebags look like they have been painted black and have balls under them. Making it worse was 4 straight periods of maths. Came home and slept. Couldn't take it at all.
Slept from 12 to around 4 in the afternoon. Noticed that Discovery Channel has been playing the same 2 Mythbuster episodes for the entire afternoon and after midnight this morning.....
OMG. I have only spent like 3 hours in my house today! N-N-N-NEW RECORD!!!
hohohohoho So many shining lights and ITBLINDSME jokes to write haha.....
Okay this whole post should be in random :D
Random Notes:
OMG. I totally forgot to mention this yesterday. Well obviously not beating the crazies with their "One of everything" I can't believe I at such a huge Subway sandwich yesterday. Almost couldn't finish the thing but..... I kept telling myself..... 3.... Servings of meat :D First time I had actually watched a movie without eating popcorn, just a bottle of coke to last me through the shining lights haha
Toa Payoh Hub is.... Weird...
TF2 is starting to lag on this laptop :(
I suck in DOA4 :(
Yay for filler posts HAHAHA
OMG some of the articles are somewhat believable HAHAHA From Wiki: Women commonly display interest in men via sexual cues. These serve to entice men to approach them. Some of the cues to signal female interest include: the parade, echoing and mirroring, room encompassing glance, pointing, leg crossing, the pointing knee, pigeon toes, neck touching, head tilt, shoulder shrugs, rotation of the pelvis, showing wrist or armpits, skirt hike, laughing and smiling, the tap, forehead bow, eye contact, touching, childlike playfulness and proximity, and from the sound of things, absolutely anything they may do.
Signing Off........ Silly me...... I forgot to say this yesterday. FORE HEAD DOOM BLAST
MBS Class of 2004 6G
Maris Stella 1B, 2A, 3D, 4D
Narutimate Series
Waiting for games... Then Playing them
<10 points for L1R5
Fedor to destroy the Top 10 Heavyweights in the World
Left4Dead on November 18th
New gaming Laptop