Normally Friday the thirteenth is an inauspicious date...... Bringing factors of bad luck upon people who commit err....... bad luck inducing thing yeah......
Nothing particularly bad happened to me today ( touch wood)......... Nothing bad that is really outstanding...... The only thing that I can think of that imo is counted as bad luck is...... I lost/somebody stole my EMaths 3A textbook.... meaning that I would not have been able to complete the maths homework that we were supposed to have done lol....... As the phrase goes, I hate using phrases......, every cloud has a silver lining...... or in my case for every idiot that steals my textbook...... there's another that was more than willing to lend me his....
Thanks Brandon...
Something strange happened in school today..... The door to my classroom was unable to be opened.... And the whole class was at the canteen doing our work haha..... The suay ones who had their books in the classroom did not have the privilege to do their work in the morning lol.....
The China students, not the ones already studying here, were supposed to come to almost all of the classes in Sec 3..... So we had to go to the Humanities Room to study and there was a lack of tables..... A group of classmates and I went up to find extra tables and chairs for us and the other students.... Suddenly, our classroom's door was able to be opened ( Till now I have o idea how lol) and we had to run down for class haha
I think that the China students seem to have the idea that Singaporeans have no idea how to speak chinese....... Just introduce yourselves in chinese la....... At least most of them have an English name.... making it easier for us to remember lol.......
Random Notes:
Sleepiness makes me horrible at games.........
Joseph gave an extra ticket to Wilson for the
張學友 concert........
Deidera killed himself in the most anti-climatic way... Sasuke is gay
Signing Off............ So "many" tests next week..... So damn tired... Brain malfunctioning...... Need recharge.....
Just seeing this makes me wonder....... WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH THE WORLD!